Case Studies

GWS’ network testing specialists routinely conduct scientifically controlled tests of network performance around the world. We’ve conducted tests at a variety of levels and venues – from national to regional, from highways to shopping centers, and from sporting events to public transportation. Read the following case studies and learn more about our innovative testing campaigns.

  • GWS defines the industry standard for wireless network benchmarking and mobile insights. We offer engineering and market analysis through a suite of testing and data collection services.
  • 23475 Rock Haven Way, # 265
  • Dulles, VA 20166
  • Tel: (703) 661-7000
  • Fax: (703) 661-7001
  • [email protected]

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Using Our Data: All information, test results, performance metrics, or awards provided in any GWS press release or report may not used by an entity for marketing or advertising purposes (including, for example, promotion via the entity’s website or social media channels or paid-for promotion such as, but not limited to, print, online, radio, TV, and social media) without prior approval from GWS. Email [email protected] for further details.